Month: May 2011

  • Lowering Rent & Mortgage Payments


    I’ve posted over at my other blog, “Living on Less Money”,  on alternative ways to a lower rent & mortgage payment. See ya there!



    Living on Less Money: Lower Rent & Mortage Payments

  • No perfect mothers, Only a perfect Savior!

    I had an ‘Ozzie and Harriet’ childhood! Those of you who are older will immediately recognize what I am saying.  I had a stable home with parents who loved each other and loved their children. We lived in the same house for many years. My sister and I never went hungry and all our needs and many of our wants were met. It was an ideal childhood.

    My mother has lived in the same home for the last 25 plus years. It’s the ‘family home’ and we’ve spent many, many holidays there. 

    That was the dream I had for my children as a young mother who had barely come to know the Lord. I wanted a ‘stable’ life for them lived in a middle class home in a nice little neighborhood with parents who loved each other. Yet, those dreams did not come to pass for my children. My first husband left me when my son was five years old. I remarried again but the first couple of years were very rocky in our marriage and as far as that stable ‘home’ in a middle class neighborhood… my children had many homes as they were growing up. We finally were able to purchase a home before they graduated and lived there for 10 years. Most of you know the story of how our business was growing and we sold that home to expand only to have to sell once the economy began sliding. Then my husband became disabled 1 1/2 years ago so we sold that home and now live as caregivers in a studio apartment.

    While visiting my mothers home several years ago I remember being saddened with the realization that my children will never have the joy of a ‘family home’ as my mother had given my sister and I. I felt so very, very sad about how I had failed my children but as the day progressed the Lord began to speak to my heart that I had placed a high importance on something He had not made important in His Word. Later that day when I spoke with one of my children I told them how I felt but then ended with these words, “Your father and I may not have given you the ‘stability’ of a ‘family home’ and I know the beginning years of our marriage were anything less than stable for you children but I realized today that I had not failed as a parent because I had given you something eternal. I taught you that the only way to peace with God is through His Son Jesus Christ and you have seen the power of God’s Word change a bad marriage to the praise of His glory”.

    None of us can claim to be perfect mothers but every mother can point their children to THE PERFECT ONE.. Jesus Christ!

    It’s never too late to fulfill our duty to our children by sharing Jesus Christ. Even if you became a Christian after your children were grown and were never able to teach them about the Savior as they were growing up there is still TODAY.

    But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
    2 Timothy 3:14-15 ESV

    I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.
    2 Timothy 1:5 ESV



  • It’s not fair!

    The title sounds like a three year old’s declaration of rights, doesn’t it? Have you ever watched a toddler throw himself down on the ground in protest while kicking and screaming,  “It’s not fair!”?  Once we enter adulthood we think we are beyond such outbursts. And though I must admit we may be more dignified in our approach, I can honestly say that I’ve had my moments lately when those exact thoughts have tormented my own mind. No, I didn’t throw myself down on the floor kicking and screaming. But, that’s not to say that my response was any less self-focused.

    A while back I spent a week stuck on how unfair I perceived my work load to be.  I started feeling resentful. I mumbled to myself. I felt sorry for myself. I had a sharp reply here and there. I just was not a pleasant person… especially if someone asked me to do ONE MORE THING or suggested an alternative way of doing something I had just done. My irritation turned into anger which was turning into bitterness and I knew I was headed for trouble. I kept praying for the Lord’s help but continued in a spiral of an inward temper tantrum that lasted longer than I care to admit. Inwardly I was screaming, “It’s not fair!”

    It wasn’t long until my prayer for help was answered as I was reminded what ‘fairness’ would look like if I truly got what I deserved. Did I? Did I really want things to be fair in this life.. even Steve? 

    I’ve given that some thought and I realized God had given me a perfect picture of what my life would be like if I got what I deserved. Both now and eternally.

    Was it ‘fair’ that Jesus came to earth to die for sins He didn’t commit?

    Is it ‘fair’ that Christ’s perfect record of holiness is now mine when I’ve done nothing to earn it?

    Do I really want life to be fair when the outcome would be God’s wrath because of my sins?

    I think not!

     I’m so glad life is not fair and that I don’t get what I deserve.  With a thankful heart filled with the wonder of God’s grace the bitterness of my heart has melted and I’m filled with gratitude that God loved me enough to not grant me what I deserved.

    The gospel encourages me to serve my family and others willingly because my Saviour came to earth to serve and give His life for me.

     But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,  and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,  even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matt 20:26-28   ESV

    I’m not learning these lessons perfectly but I’m learning none the less.

    Have you ever felt this way in your home towards your husband or children? Are you learning (or have you learned) that the gospel speaks to our attitude towards the duties in our home and not just our salvation?