Month: April 2007

  • Watching and waiting…

    “My mother used to look out the window every morning and say, “Maybe this will be the day when Christ comes again.”  She lived with that daily anticipation… It was my mother’s hope until she went at last to be with him.”

                                        Billy Graham



     It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes.  Luke 12:37

  • Husbands and our speech about them

    Hello ladies!

     I signed up for Nancy Leigh DeMoss’s “30 days of Encouragement Challenge”. The challenge is:

    • You can’t say anything negative about your husband . . . to your husband . . . or to anyone else, about your husband.
    • Say something that you admire or appreciate about your husband. . . to your husband . . . and to someone else, about your husband!

    Here is day 15. I thought you might enjoy it.

    “Let your speech always be with grace.” (Colossians 4:6a)

    Focus today on how you represent your husband in your home, your church, and your community. In this challenge to encourage, ask: “If everything my family and friends knew about my husband came from a filter of what I’ve said about him, what would they think of my husband?” Do you need to change the filter?

    Do you speak positively about your husband to others, or do you complain and criticize? Your speech should reflect 1 Corinthians 13 love. Your words should be kind, and should never “rejoice in iniquity” (v. 6). Refrain from listing your husband’s faults to others. Satan likes to trick us in this area; be wary of sharing barbed “prayer requests.”

    Remember, “Love will cover a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8b). Present your husband before others today in a strong, positive manner. Slip in a “good word” for your spouse. Resist the urge to correct or belittle him in front of others. Some of what you say may come back to him, and you want your words to be sweet, building him up and never tearing him down.

    Don’t forget: you are always criticizing–or encouraging–before an audience. God hears your conversations when you are alone with your husband in your own home. May your speech be always seasoned with grace.

    While you are considering how your speech can reflect the grace of the Lord in your husband’s life, don’t forget that your words can also encourage others. When you share what God is doing in your life through this “30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge”, others will be blessed. Perhaps other wives will be moved to take up this challenge.

    If you are interested in signing up for these free encouragements via email, then here is the link:


  • Family Easter Celebration

    I hope you don’t mind a few pictures!  Our family celebrated on Saturday so that my daughter-in-love could spend Sunday with her grandparents and family.

    Our celebration started the last time two of my grandchildren spent the night. We made resurrection cookies. I had hoped to have the other grandchildren over for cookie making but three of them went on a trip to Florida. Resurrection Cookies tell the story of Christ’s final days from the time of His arrest to the resurrection. The cookies go in the oven (after each ingredient is told along with scriptures), the oven is sealed with tape and then the next morning you open the oven and the cookies are found to be empty inside when you break them open.

    March 18 2007 003


    Easter 07 030

    Two of my grandsons are looking at the story of the resurrection on our flannel board. My grandchildren love to listen to bible stories told on the flannel board.

    Easter 07 026

    My part of the meal was the main dish and a few desserts. I made a coconut cake for Mama and a boysenberry pie for my son-in-love.

    Easter 07 025

      I made the grandchildren a new recipe called Red Hot Popping Corn. It’s like carmel corn except you add red hot candies. One of the older saints in our church makes it for her grandchildren and I’ve been itching to try it. It was a great success. Everyone loved it.

    Easter 07 022

    I tried my hand at making Rice Krispies bunnies for the grandchildren. They were silly looking but the children seemed to really like them. I’m thankful they are too young to realize I have no talent in this area. hehe!

    Easter 07 040

    Of course the children hunted for eggs. We invited two of children that intend our church to hunt eggs with my grandchildren. One of my grandsons had met the little boy last time he came to church with me and they hit it off.

    Easter 07 049 

    Later in the day the children decorated some giant cookies in the shape of an easter egg and the other one was the shape of a bunny. The little boy in orange and the girl next to him are the children from church.

    Easter 07 053 

    We finished off the day with some kite flying. The wind wasn’t as strong as last year so the kites didn’t fly as high as we hoped.

    Easter 07 050

    We were so glad to have my Mother celebrate Easter with our family. We know this year’s celebrations have been difficult for her without Daddy but she continues to put the rest of the family first. Here she is with my  new ‘baby’. I think she would have taken her home if she could.

    We attended church today to hear God’s Word. Where else would we want to be on Resurrection Sunday? Our pastor gave a good, strong presentation of the Gospel that was not watered down one bit. We had quite a few new faces which was awesome. I pray they will come back again.

    So how was your Easter celebration?



     Jesus said …..

         I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.   

       And whoever lives and believes in Me shall  never  die.

                     Do you believe this?”

                                                                      John 11:25