Month: January 2007

  • He is All in all!

    Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Pr. 31:30


    Blessed is the man whose heart is filled with that holy fear which inclines his steps in the way of God’s commandments, inclines his heart to seek after God, and inclines his whole soul to enter into fellowship with God, that he may be acquainted with Him and be at peace. What is this fear of God? I answer, first, it is a sense of awe of His greatness. Have you never felt this sacred awe stealing insensibly over your spirit hushing, and calming you, and bowing you down before the Lord? It will come, sometimes, in the consideration of the great works of nature. Gazing upon the vast expanse of waters – looking up to the innumerable stars, examining the wing of an insect, and seeing there the matchless skill of God displayed in the minute; or standing in a thunderstorm, watching, as best you can, the flashes of lightning, and listening to the thunder of Jehovah’s voice, have you not often shrunk into yourself, and said, “Great God, how terrible art Thou!” – not afraid, but full of delight like a child who rejoices to see his father’s wealth, his father’s wisdom, his father’s power – happy, and at home, but feeling oh, so little! We are less than nothing, we are all but annihilated in the presence of the great eternal, infinite, invisible all in all.

    Charles Spurgeon.

  • I’ve been TAGGED!

    Well, it finally happened! I’ve been tagged by wolfpacwife14. She asked that I list 6 weird,talented, truthful things about myself. I asked my husband to help and he had NO problem coming up with a LONG list. I finally had to beg him to PLEASE STOP!!!!!

    So here it goes!!!


    1. I rarely sit and do nothing.

    2. I’m told  that I apologize too much.

    3. I’m told that I ‘think too much’.

    4. I love peanut butter, mayo and lettuce sandwiches. Yum!!!

    5. I hate to kill anything.  (I rescue spiders from my house and set them free outside,unless they are poisonious!)

    6. I sleep with 4 pillows. One is a wedge (for sleep apnea), 2 pad the wedge and I use one to cuddle. 

    7. Here’s an ‘extra’ I just thought of this morning…. My FAVORITE thing in the whole world to do (if I have a ‘day off) is visit a bible bookstore and browse! (My dh thinks that’s WEIRD!)

    Well, that was probably about the most boring post so far!!!!!! hehe!!!! But, it sure made me think!!!

  • A Day in the Life of a Grammy (and Bapa!)


    My daughter-in-love has needed some help with her children while she is recovering from an illness.  My daughter’s middle boy also joined the fun yesterday!

    This is our newest little grand pea pod! You could get lost in his dimples. He LOVES to smile! When you turn around to look at him he is already posed with a big look of anticipation just WAITING to smile back at you! So adorable! He is a heart melter!

    Jan 19 07 002

    Miss ‘A’ loves to have Grammy play dolls with her. Today we played ‘sisters’ with her Barbie dolls and pretended that we visited a neighbor lady who was lonely. We pretended to help her with the laundry.  We both agreed it felt ‘good’ to help someone who was in need. *smile*

    Jan 19 07 011

    Mr. ‘C’ is admiring his latest puzzle. I’ve been saving a bucket of 100 piece puzzles until the grandchildren were old enough. Now is the time! They finished 2 of them and have 2 in the works on the dining room table. We need to get them finished so we can eat again!

    Jan 19 07 005

    The boys can only take so much inside play and the need to get their fingernails dirty overtakes them. Bapa  saved a spot in our backyard where they can play with their trucks and dig until their heart is content. Miss A enjoys it, too!

    Jan 19 07 006

    Two of my middle grandchildren LOVE  to bake! I let them try their hand at a no-bake cookie this time. I’m not sure if it’s the baking they enjoy or the fact they get to lick the bowl. At one point Mr. J had nearly his whole head in the bowl licking the remaining dough.

    Jan 19 07 004

    I bought a new card game called I SPY. They picked it up quickly and played so nice together!

    Jan 19 07 009

    Lo and behold! Guess who I found RETREATED in his RETREAT room! THE BAPA! Well, at least he was studying the Word!

    Jan 19 07 001


    Rest time! I’m not sure if the rest time is for the children or GRAMMY! I put on a documentary about sharks for the boys to watch.

    Jan 19 07 007

    Well, that was our day! It’s not an exciting day by the world’s standards but it rates high on this Grammy’s list as one of life’s greatest pleasures! The only thing better would be to have all 9 of them here at the same time!

  • Serving to exhaustion!

    I’ve had a scripture going over and over in my mind the past few weeks. I love it when the WORD speaks to me. I love that the WORD is alive and is effective in my life.

    Anyway, this scripture keeps coming to mind …

    2 Cor 12:15 – And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you..

    The word SPENT means to ‘exhaust’. I’m trying to imagine the most hectic, work- filled week I can and the feeling that swept over me.. one of pure exhaustion. I’ve been asking myself if I have come to the point of exhaustion in my service to others.  “Do I GLADLY (that’s a challenge in itself!) ‘exhaust’ myself for those OTHER than my family?” It’s easy to exhaust myself for the souls of my family and those I know and love. But, do I EXHAUST myself for those that are not family? Do I exhaust myself for that sister in Christ who is only interested in her own problems and never seems to care about what is happening in my life?  Do I exhaust myself for my unsaved neighbors? The widow that lives by herself? The single mother? Do I exhaust myself for those who are ‘takers’ and not ‘givers’? Or do I only spend my time on those who offer me something in return.. whether it’s a ‘good feeling’, good conversation or wise counsel? Do I love the souls of others enough to ‘be spent’ on their behalf?

    I’m challenging myself with these words and finding that I fall short!



  • Chapel Ladies

    Today was our monthly Titus 2 Ladies Luncheon at the Chapel! I love the first Saturday of every month. I look forward to it! I plan for it! I do everything I can NOT to miss it! The teaching is always excellent, the fellowship is warm and loving and the food is always GREAT!

    Our Pastor’s wife, Terri, chose an excellent teaching by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. The title was “A Call to the Wailing Women”. It challenged us, as women, to live by the Word of God with no compromising.

    Here is a picture of my Pastor and his wife.

    Pastor and Terri

    Before our luncheon you may find our pastor’s wife cleaning the church. What a servant’s heart!

    Jan 5 07 003

    My husband comes for a brief visit before our worship time to prepare the worship music. Then he ‘sneaks’ out once we begin our worship.

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    There is always plenty of food. Today we had homemade stew, cornbread, a lettuce salad (with frosted almonds, cranberries and feta cheese) plus a chocolate bundt cake, peanut butter cookies, angel food cake with cool whip and strawberries along with a pie along with coffee.

    Jan 5 07 008

    Afterwards the ladies help with the clean up. I asked for a group picture of the ones gathered in the kitchen. One of the sister’s said something silly and they all followed with lots of laughing. I love that our young girls in the church love to come hang out with the older women, too!

    Jan 6 07 004

    This is our youngest member at The Chapel! Isn’t she a doll?

    Jan 5 07 006

    We are blessed to have a Pastor and his wife that seek to OBEY God’s Word… who devote themselves to STUDYING God’s Word and who desire about all else to teach other’s ABOUT God’s Word!

    Don’t forget to check out Terri’s Xanga site at