Month: September 2006

  • How LOW can you go?

    I spent this afternoon going over our budget to see how much lower I could get our monthly bills. Just when I think we have cut back on every EXTRA  I find one or more places where I can cut back just a little more.

     Last month I went way over my food budget because I did not keep track of what I was spending each week. I’m trying to record what I’ve spent in Quick Books each week  now that I’ve realized how easy things can add up. So, I cut this month’s food budget WAY back in order to balance out the two months.  I’ve been trying a few new things in the kitchen this past month to cut down on my food bill.

    * I check my veggie drawer each afternoon to see which veggies need to be used. I was wasting too many vegetables and decided that I needed to keep a closer eye on them.  I also keep an eye on my leftovers and try to use them at the next meal. If I don’t use them then I immediately label and freeze them.

    * I’m taking Laine’s (Laines Letters) advice and looking for recipes with less meat and more veggies. We eat low carb so I can’t stretch my meals with pasta so I’m looking for recipes with more veggies. I’m going to watch for chilies to go down in price and then I’ll make some chile rellenos (hubby’s favorite). I found a new recipe for beef broccoli and I hope to try that next month. Laine recommends cooking ethnic foods since they use less meat. has great recipes from family cooks. They have a search engine which I’ve used many, many times.

    * My husband and I were eating out regularly at a little Mexican restaurant nearby. Since we are cutting back in every area we’ve had to stop this practice, too. We may splurge once a month, if able. Anyway, I found a recipe for his favorite mexican meal and I make that on Sunday’s. I think the best thing about eating out for me was not having to cook. So, I’ve been making it a practice to cook  as much as possible on Saturday. That way I just have a few last minute things to cook on Sunday after church.

    * Before we began cutting back on our expenses I was buying one or two Christian books a month. I think I miss buying books the most. I’m so blessed to know of a large Christian library in the town where my daughter lives. So, when I go to visit her I’ll stop by and pick up some good missionary stories to read and some Christian videos. What a blessing this has been!

    * I shopped from my freezer this month. I tried to only purchase fruit, veggies and milk at the store.  It’s amazing what you can find buried WAY back in your freezer! *Smile*

    * Cindy’s Porch teaches to USE IT UP so that’s what I have been doing. I’ve had so many items on my shelves that I purchased and didn’t like. I’d turn around and buy something new. So, I’ve been using up all of those items instead of purchasing new ones. I had some powdered laundry detergent that I didn’t like because it caked on the clothes. I decided to fill up the washer with water and the detergent before I added the clothes and this is working just fine. I also had powdered dishwashing detergent that I was going to give away and decided to use it, instead. Using things up has really helped stretch things this month.

    * I’m keeping the thermostat at 80-82 degrees. I keep a small fan in my kitchen cabinet and under my bathroom sink. Those seem to be two areas where I really get warm. I find that if I just pull out the fan and use it I can void turning down the air conditioner.

    Well, that’s just a few of many changes we have been  making the past few months. I’m planning on dropping an extra fax line and the long distance service on my phone bill along with making changes to our car insurance,too.

    One more thing I need help with is how to cut cost on my webpage. I’m paying $80.00 a year for a domain website. I’m just not going to be able to pay it this year so I’m needing to find a free website. offers a free one but the space is limited to 50 MB. Do any of you ladies know of a better alternative that is free and easy to use with more space? offers a website building program so you don’t need to know html. I know a little html but not enough to build a website. I sure would appreciate any advice you gals could give.

    Hugs and blessings!

  • Trials, prayer and an apple pie!

    Our family is in the midst of some heavy trials during this season of our life. As each day passes the test seems to multiply and we feel as if we are being hit from many sides. Oftentimes, I find that a feeling of despair will try to take residence in my soul and I must fight with all God’s strength to keep my mind and heart focused on heavenly things and to renewed in God’s Word.

    I feel so helpless to relieve the burden I see on my husband and our son and his wife. I’m a mother …wasn’t it just yesterday that I was able to solve so many problems with just a bandaid, a hug and kiss?Yet, with adulthood comes the many trials that all must face and my son is not excluded. Nor I or my husband.

    I’m so thankful I have my heavenly Father’s ear. I can continually seek His wisdom and His direction … morning, noon and night. I can pray without ceasing for my husband and son’s family knowing that He cares more for us than we can ever imagine. I remind myself often that He knows me intimately, the number of hairs on my head, my thoughts, my cares, my concerns and has promised never to leave nor forsake us. He thinks of me us so  often throughout the day that His thoughts are more than the sand on the seashore. I can’t even fathom the extent of His great love for me in Christ Jesus.

    But, still, on a practical plane I face the urgency of our situation daily and the longing to relieve some of the stress that I see my husband and my son’s family under. What could I do to help show love and comfort TODAY to my family? Suddenly, I remembered (was it you, Lord, reminding me?) that I had apples in the fridge!! Oh, how much my husband loves apple pie and just mentioned recently how he was hoping I would make one. I had dismissed his request with the pronouncement that we are ‘trying to lose weight’ and so there the apples sat.

    So, this morning, bright and early I began my pie crust and had 2 apple pies made before 8 o’clock. One for my husband and one for my son’s family. I had some apples left over so I made homemade applesauce for my grandson… his favorite!

    apple pie

    This has changed the whole downcast feeling of the day. I began thinking about what else I could do to minister to my family. Oh, won’t they be pleased when they see what I’ve done? I know it may sound silly but I even decided to change our sheets so the bed will be more comfortable when my husband crawls under the covers tonight. The more I think about it the more ideas I am coming up with to show my husband how much I love and care for him.

    I don’t have it within my power to change our circumstance but I do believe that I can create an atmosphere in my home which will help to lighten the load of that burden. Lots of prayer, encouragement to remain faithful to God and His Word…… and an apple pie!

    Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, COMFORT the fainthearted, UPHOLD the weak, be PATIENT with all. 1 Thess. 5:14


  • Here you go PollythePatchworker!

    Polly asked to see a quilt that she spotted in a picture from my last post. So, this is for you Polly!

    This is the quilt you saw in the photo. You guessed it… your typical Trip Around the World. My husband and I visited an Amish quilt shop in Ohio quite a few years ago. My husband picked out a beautiful piece of fabric that had a purple background with a turquoise blue print. It took me several years to find the right colors to finish his quilt.

    Quilts 002

    This next quilt pattern is called Blooming Nine Patch. It’s a color wash pattern where you blend the fabrics in a way that it’s suppose to look like just one print going from light fabric to dark. I think there is over 2,000 pieces.

    Quilts 001

    This last quilt is also a color wash. We were supposed to blend the colors from light to dark.

    Quilts 003

    So that’s it! Nothing as fancy as what you quilt! I’m an amateur quilter who just dabbles!




  • Cleaning Day!

    Beware! This post may put you to sleep! I had a blast getting rid of STUFF today! It feels so good to have less STUFF to deal with now!

    Before I show you the BEFORE picture of my craft closet I want you to see the bedroom so you won’t think I’m a slob!

    Here is the granchildren’s bedroom! See! It’s nice and neat, right?

    Washington DC 5 063

    Okay. Prepare yourself! Here is my craft and sewing closet! I’ll show you both sides. The boxes and tubs are full of jeans for the ladies at church to use in making quilts.

    Washington DC 5 057Washington DC 5 055

    It looks worst than I thought!


    Here is that same neat bed! I went through every piece of fabric I owned and threw away all the small pieces. I also had a shelf in my hall closet with material. By the time I finished I was able to clear the shelf in the hall and free up 2 drawers in the 6 plastic drawer ‘thingy a bob’! I kept my big roll of batting for future quilting.

    Washington DC 5 058

    I took all the tubs of jeans out to the clothes trailer (for the give away). So, this is how the closets look now.

    Washington DC 5 060Washington DC 5 061

    I have two small bookshelves filled with books I read to my children when we homeschooled. I’ve saved them to read to my grandchildren. I’m going to go through each one again to make sure I want to hold on to all of them. Plus, I have wrapping paper stored under the bed that I want to clean out and purge.

    Oh, this feels SO good! LOL!! I know! I know! You’re thinking this lady needs to get a LIFE! LOL!!

  • ??

    I’m having a hard time coming up with something new to write these days. It seems my focus remains the same. (read previous posts *S*) I’m sure I sound like a broken record so instead of repeating myself I’ve just slowed down my posting. Maybe the Lord is changing my direction in this area, too. Maybe my time for ‘blogging’ has come to an end. I’m not sure, so I continue to pray about it. Maybe I’ll just be taking a break.

    There seems to be a lot of changes taking place in our home. We put our house up for sale last week. So, I’m spending as much time as possible paring down and getting rid of stuff. I do NOT want to move all this STUFF! (sorry, I couldn’t resist!). I’ve gone through my closet and all my bedroom drawers. My hubby is on the bandwagon, too! He has been working on one of his dressers! Now, mind you, my house is not cluttered! Things look tidy and neat. But, my closets and drawers are FULL of STUFF! Plus, we have a storage trailer full of STUFF in the back of the property. Chances are we’ll be moving to a smaller home (possibly half the size) so I need to be RUTHLESS!

    Have you ever looked at all you own objectively? That is what I’ve been doing lately. Have you ever imagined everything you own piled in one big heap? Can you imagine how much STUFF there would be?

    I read last week that only a 1/4 of the world’s population has ever slept in a bed and only 20 % has ever made a phone call. I’m not sure of the accuracy of the statistics but even if it’s a bit more it’s still something to think about when we compare our lives to our sisters in other countries. What are we doing with all this STUFF? I’m at the point where I refuse to even stop for a garage sale because I know in the end I’ll just be collecting more STUFF I don’t need.

    I’m also paring down my freezer (both of them!). My goal is to only choose food out of our freezer and fridge for the rest of the month for our dinners. I’m going to try to only buy fruit, milk and veggies. I spent too much on my food budget last month so I’m hoping to balance things out this month.

    Don’t forget to check out my dear friends family website. There has been some scrumptious teachings on how to practice and discern God’s Word.                 Givengrace


  • Sunday’s Message

    I believe my Pastor has been reading my mail!  Not really, but it sure makes me wonder sometimes because he preaches on just the very thing that I have been convicted on.

    I’ve shared with you my struggles about wanting to devote more time to ministering to the needs of others (family included). But, in order to have this mindset I need to make some changes in the way I live and the way I spend my time. I’ve got too much STUFF to clean and keep organized. It complicates my cleaning routine and steals time away from my relationships. I’ve also been evaluating my homemaking schedule and what I am spending my time on. Is it profitable in the light of eternity or am I wasting my time on activities that will mean nothing when I face the Lord? I have less time in front of me than I do behind me. I’m not even promised my next breath so each daily decision counts. That is the part that I struggle with… knowing which ‘permissible things’ to let go of in order to do the most ‘profitable’. Yet, the Lord seems to be guiding me step by step. This week I hope to do a cleansing on a lot of items I have in my craft closet. Not all of them but there is so much that I’ll never find time to do. So, out it goes! I’m finding that hobbies can be a real time stealer when it comes to meeting needs. It amazed me when Pastor preached the same exact thing today!

    So, here are some notes from today’s sermon.

    James 2:1-13

    “Christ used the majority of His time to serve others.”

    (James 1:27) Pure and undefiled religion basically comes down to serving the needs (not wants) of others.

    What is preventing me from serving the needs of others?

    Kick out the hobbies in order to have time to meet the needs of others. (See last weeks sermon on the time left over each week and what we are spending it on).

    (Phil. 2:5) Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men.

    Are you serving needs or playing the role of a socialite in church. Is church a social gathering to you with red punch and cookies? Or do you come to church to serve? Do you choose a church that meets YOUR needs or a church where you can meet others needs, use your gifts and serve?

    We can’t spend all our time carting our children around to this sport and that activity and expect to have time left over to meet the needs of those around us. Don’t ’feed’ this in children!

    Develop in your children a ‘service mentality’.

    You won’t be able to serve others and meet their needs if you work 40 hours a week and then use the remainder of your time entertaining yourself.

    Love others like you ALREADY love yourself.

    If you think this message is too strong then it may be you’re responding with your Americanized viewpoint instead of the mind of Christ.

    (1 John 2:6) He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.

    Will there be shame or tears at the Bema Seat?

    All the ‘talkin’ but no ‘walkin’ will catch up with us there!1 Cor. 3:12-15

    Don’t rationalize this message. Don’t try to find a loophole. Serve and meet needs! 

    Stevinson Chapel  




  • Serving others!

    Volunteer Slaves

    “Slave” is not a word most of us nowadays feel comfortable with. It is significant that most modern Bible translations use “servant” instead. For a slave is not his own, has no rights whatsoever, is not in charge of what happens to him, makes no choices about what he will do or how he is to serve, is not recognized, appreciated, thanked or even (except by his absence) noticed at all.

    Once we give up our slavery to the world, which is a cruel master indeed, to become Christ’s bondslave, we live out our servitude to Him by glad service to others. This volunteer slavery cannot be taken advantage of–we have chosen to surrender everything for love. It is a wholly different thing from forced labor. It is in fact the purest joy when it is most unobserved, most unself-conscious, most simple, most freely offered.

    Lord, break the chains that hold me to myself; free me to be your happy slave–that is, to be the happy foot-washer of anyone today who needs his feet washed, his supper cooked, his faults overlooked, his work commended, his failure forgiven, his griefs consoled, or his button sewed on. Let me not imagine that my love for You is very great if I am unwilling to do for a human being something very small.


    Back to the Bible’s Elisabeth Elliot daily devotional.