Month: August 2006

  • Gathering up the fragments..and other news!

    A friend from church gave me a lot of tomato plants a few months back. They have done wonderfully considering we have very poor soil. Maybe tomatoes like that? I’ve tried growing watermelon plants and squash and between the lead in our water and the soil they died within a few days.

    The plants were loaded with ripe tomatoes so I decided to make some salsa and canned the first batch on Saturday which yielded 9 pint jars (we already taste tested one! )  I put the jars in my pantry to use this winter when our work normally slows down. I’m beginning to stock my pantry shelves again for the winter months so the salsa will make a good start.

    canning jars 

    I had enough tomatoes left to make another small batch of salsa today.  So, today I made another small batch of salsa. I also made a batch of Garden Relish. The recipe for the Garden Relish came from my Grandma Davey. This was her favorite recipe. It’s kind of like a Chow Chow but a little different. I love it with pot roast or on hot dogs. I used to use a meat grinder but tried using my food processor to chop the veggies  and it worked great and saved me a lot of time. The relish made 17 pints and I ended with a total of 13 pints of salsa.Tomatoes 002  

    This project seemed to be a worthwhile use of my time. The salsa will help with my winter budget since I buy at least 1-2 jars of salsa a month.

    So, that’s what I’ve been up to the past few days in between lots of daily visits from my grandchildren. I’m also doing lots of studying the past few weeks and enjoying it SO much! I’m studying Matt. 7:1-6 on righteous judging vs. unrighteous judging. Fun stuff! Studying the Word of God is such a blast!


  • Sunday’s message

    Church was good! I look forward to hearing our Pastor preach each week!  Pastor Mike is still teaching in the first chapter of James. The last part of his sermon touched on the very topic that I have been thinking on lately… how I spend my time. Pastor is in the last part of James where it speaks of ”pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction.” (James 1:27)

    Here are a few of the points he made.  

     We have 168 hours in a week. Basically each of us, give or take, have a similar schedule.

    Sleep 56 hours

    Work 40 hours

    Family 30 hours

    Eat      21 hours

    That totals 147 hours which leaves us 21 hours left over. Of course, you would subtract church attendance. Mothers with newborns and young children have a bit of a different schedule.  But, most, would have between 15-21 hours left over each week to spend on ‘extras’. His point was.. ‘what are you doing with this extra time?’ Many say that they don’t have time to help the widow or the orphan. But, they have time to watch hours of tv or have lunch with their friends or go to the movies. Priorities.

    Joni Earkson Tada is a quadriplegic who is totally dependent on others for her care. Yet, she is doing more for the kingdom of God than our little church put together. It comes down to choosing priorities that line up with God’s Word. Making the choice to be a DOER of the Word.

    Remember where it says to ’keep yourself from being polluted by the world’ in that verse?  That word “world”
    means the worlds system. Pastor suggested next time that we are at the mall buying clothes to think of those who are naked.. when we’re on vacation to think of those who are going hungry… when we are relaxing and watching tv to think of those who are being tortured for their faith.. while in a warm bed to think of those running for their life because of the Word.


     I love it!

  • Flat Surface Queen!

    Well, I’m NOT a flat surface queen yet but that’s my goal.

    This week my goal has been to streamline the ‘flat surfaces’ in my house so that my dusting time is reduced. Most of my rooms are not cluttered (except my office/sewing room) but they’ve been collecting little extra items which has slowed down my dusting time.

    So, I took one room at a time and starting clearing off items that were not absolutely necessary. I’m either throwing STUFF away, giving STUFF away or stashing STUFF away.  My next project is to work on the floor surfaces so that my vacuuming time will be reduced. Then, I’ll tackle my closets!

    I wrote in my last two posts about the ‘tweaking’ I’ve been doing on my daily schedule.  I have been deliberately WATCHING for ministry opportunities (and making them a priority) instead of trying to squeeze them into an already full schedule. After two weeks of doing so my housework was lagging behind in a few areas. So, I decided that I need to find a way to simplify that area of my life. I want to be able to breeze through my cleaning in no time so I can spend more time ministering to my family and people the Lord sends my way. 

    I have one day that I set aside for major cleaning. If it’s a busy week I’ll split it up into two days. I try to follow FLYLADY’S idea of a Monday morning HOUSE BLESSING. She says it only takes her one hour (my cleaning takes most of the day) so my goal is to try and do it exactly like she does. I normally add my deep cleaning to that day, also.

    So, that’s what I’m up to this week. How about you?  

  • Spending Less!

    BEWARE!!!! If you are an Christian living in America this message may cause extreme uneasiness!

    In my quest to cut expenses I have come up with a startling conclusion! I know you can hardly wait to hear! Are you ready? Okay, here it is!


    Okay, so it’s not an original idea. I realized this past week that my ‘shopping days’ have been greatly minimized over this past year and because of it I have gained some valuable lessons . I was thinking about how I used to go to Walmart and bring home a carload of STUFF. Literally!! Useful STUFF! STUFF that helped with organization and bottles of STUFF to make cleaning easier. STUFF for the grandchildren! STUFF for my children! STUFF to make my home pretty! (Do you get the idea here?) I was spending a LOT of money on all of kinds of STUFF. But, this past year my hand has been forced to cut back more and more because of our budget, cost of gas and inflation. I’m beginning to see that I didn’t need all that STUFF.  As a result I have more time to spend on other STUFF! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!)

    I have a dear internet friend who is playing the ‘depression game’. She and her husband are pretending they live in the depression and whenever they think they NEED something they remind themselves of this fact and then find ways to do without, make do or come up with another alternative. I’ve played this game off and on lately ever since she told me about it. I’ve tried to run my ‘wants’ through this grid of thinking and amazingly enough I’ve found that there is very little that I really need.

    Many write about a simple life. The simple life can either mean a ‘back to the farm’ life or a life of less consuming. I love the ‘back to the farm’ movement but it’s definitely not simple when it comes to the time it involves or the expense. But, living on less.. wanting less… making do with …. buying less … spending less…. being content with what you have… now that is simple!

    Think of the time you save … less to put away… less to organize… less to dust…less to clean…less to think about… less to pack when you move! Which gives you more time to concentrate on God’s commands in Scripture to share the Gospel, make disciples, love your husband and children, keep/guard the home, study His Word, pray, use your gifts in the body of Christ and on and on the list can go.

    I remember reading that K.P. Yohannan (Gospel for Asia) and his family began a practice of cutting back on their expenditures years ago in order to support missionaries. They did not have a big budget so they began to simplify their life by cutting out things that were not absolutely necessary. Chewing gum, daily newspaper, sodas,etc. (Elisabeth Elliot spoke about this ,too).

    I remember some years ago my husband and I were wanting to do the same thing as K.P.  We began working towards this goal and then slowly the tide began to change. We began ‘entertaining’ ourselves more and buying pretty much anything that our eyes wanted. Little by little things flipped around and slowly it became more difficult to give to the Lord’s work because we had used up our budget on other STUFF.

    So, possibly the Lord is lovingly disciplining us by cutting back our income?  I don’t see this as a bad thing. It’s made us reconsider everything that we purchase and make better choices.  We’re slowly getting our focus back where it should be by learning to be content with our wages and focusing on God’s priorities. God has sovereignly assigned the amount of money that He wants us to live on. Possibly, if we are struggling to make ends meet we may have some expenditures that are not necessary? It’s my responsibility to be found faithful by staying within the boundaries of what we earn and to spend it in a way that brings glory to Him. God says that He has given us an abundance so that we can have an abundance for every good work.  (2 Cor. 9:8) If I am maxed out on credit cards and always spending my extra cash on things for my home or my family then the chances are I won’t have extra to give and to fulfill this command.

     The Lord is such a kind Father and so tenderly watches over all our ways. (Pr. 5:21)  He knows exactly what His children need and disposes His blessings to fit that need! Whether an abundance or less, we can always trust that He has our best interest at heart.

    Phil 4:11-13 – Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:  I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    1 Tim 6:8-11 – And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.  But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition.
     For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.

    Heb 13:5 – Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

    Luke 3:14 - Likewise the soldiers asked him, saying, “And what shall we do?” So he said to them, “Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.”

    2 Cor 9:6-8 - But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.




  • Mind set

    Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Col. 3:2

    “To set your mind” in the Greek means to “KEEP thinking about, to DIRECT one’s mind to a thing, to STRIVE for”.

    I wrote last week about how I evaluated some of the projects I had been working on and the amount of time it took to complete them. Because my mind was so intent on these projects I missed quite a few opportunities to minister to others. I ended the week feeling quite guilty.  My projects were not sinful or bad but I could see that the time it took to complete them squeezed out specific commands given in Scripture.  

    So, I shifted my focus JUST A TAD this past week and set my mind FIRST on the kingdom.  Instead, of just setting aside ministry for church times I SET MY MIND DAILY (continued to think about) to be available for the Lord. Each morning and throughout the day I readied my heart to be avaible to serve if the Lord so called. I ‘kept thinking about’ how I could serve others and about the choices I was making each day. Would I obey Scripture when the opportunity to serve would arise? Was my heart set on the things of the Lord or on the world and my own agenda? I really sought to direct my mind on this one thing while not neglecting other Scriptures to love my husband, children,etc..

    It’s not an ‘either.. or’. We are not allowed to JUST obey certain Scriptures on loving our husband, loving our children, keeping the home,etc. and neglect the other Scriptures that command us to visit the widow and orphan in their distress, feed the hungry, make disciples, clothe the naked and visit those in prison. We most likely won’t be doing ALL of these things daily but if our minds are ‘set on the things above’ then we’ll be watching for the opportunity and be ready to serve when the chance does arise.

    What a difference this made! You know how you just feel ‘good’ when you do right. (Gen.4:6,7) I ended the week feeling GOOD about the choices I made instead of guilty the way I did the previous week. There is such joy when we obey God’s Word

  • Our safety in times of trouble…

    The name of the Lord is a STRONG TOWER; The righteous runs into it and is safe. Proverbs 18:10

    Every trial and difficult has the potential to expose what we really believe in and WHO/ what we are putting our trust in.

    Where do we run in times of trouble?

    Is the Lord OUR strong tower? Is His name a place (fortress) we can run to when we are in great distress, fearful or wearied?

    Some boast in chariots, and some in horses; But WE will BOAST in the name of the Lord, our God! Ps. 20:7

    To “BOAST” means “to have trust in or confidence”.

    I’m seeking to KNOW this God who has saved me. I’m seeking to KNOW who He is by the names He calls Himself in Scripture.

    God says if we call upon Him in the day of trouble that He will deliver us and then we shall glorify Him. Ps. 50:15

    I’m calling upon my God today.

    The God who is near. Emmanuel… my God is with me!


  • Seeking First His Kingdom!

    This is the question I’ve been asking myself this morning as I evaluate my previous two weeks. Did I seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness or did I seek to build my own kingdom here on earth? (Mt. 6:33) Where was my main focus? What did I invest most of my time on? Where were most of my thoughts? Were the things that were important to God (spoken of specifically in Scripture) first on my agenda?

    Did I visit that lonely widow on the corner who sits day after day in her home because she is too feeble to venture out? Or was I too busy to stop?

    Did I visit the wife who has no friends?

    Did I help that person who’s funds are less than mine by delivering a much needed bed to her home? Or did I immediately think to myself that I’m too busy to help!

    Was I available when someone needed help unloading her groceries?

    Did I offer to watch someone’s children when they ‘hinted’ they needed a sitter?

    Or instead did I spend my time sewing birthday gifts which monopolized most of my week and baking extra desserts for a family function (which was beyond what was asked and took 5 hours of kitchen time)? Therefore, my days were strained and my heart was not set on serving others.

    Well, I hate to admit to the latter. It may seem like I’m splitting hairs but I believe that the choices (no matter how small) I make each day either help or hinder me in fulfilling God’s specific commands.

    This is where I tend to get clouded in my goals for the week… between the ‘good’ things’ and the ‘commanded‘ duties. No where in Scripture are we commanded not to sew! In fact, we have an example in Proverbs where the ‘excellent wife’ sewed garments to sell and also made tapestry for herself. My motive was not bad or evil and I do not believe I was sinning by doing so. I was simply trying to stretch our budget and be a faithful steward of what the Lord had given us. But, was this the BEST use of my time this past week? Did it hinder me from doing those SPECIFIC things that God has commanded in the New Testament scripture? Was there another way I could have handled this situation?

    Here is a question I’ve been pondering. Did my grandchildren NEED those extra items I sewed? Were they naked or so low on clothing that my sewn items actually would have made a difference to their comfort? Would the other two gifts I purchased been enough without adding the items I sewed? Yes, I believe they would have been just as happy with the other gifts I purchased without adding the sewed items. And no, my grandchildren have no need of more clothes OR TOYS for that matter. They have an abundance.

    So many times I THINK we need this or that and then I seek to allow that ‘NEED’ to dominate my time. But, in reality, when I look to Scripture to guide my choices, I can see that my decision has been influenced by being an American. Our affluence and materialism so often dictate our decisions. We set up living standards chosen because of the culture we live in rather than looking to God’s Word.

    God’s Word says that we are to be content with food and clothing. (1 Tim. 6:8) Am I? Do I believe that I have to PILE on the gifts to my children and grandchildren in order to show my love? I think I do believe this and it simply should not be true.

    Now here is something to think about….What would my example of putting ‘God’s kingdom first’ this week said to my children and grandchildren? Would it have sparked a desire in them to do the same thing? Would this have been the best use of my time in the long run because it would have eternal value both for myself, my children and my grandchildren?

    It can be such a fine dividing line between the ‘good’ and the ‘commanded’ but as each day.. then week… then month passes… if I choose those things that are ‘good’ I CROWD out what is specifically commanded in Scripture and as a result have laid up my treasure here on earth instead of laying up treasure in heaven.

    I’m thinking of so many other ‘good’ things that may crowd out God’s ‘commanded’ such as home decorating to keep up with current fashion, a wife’s job when it’s not a necessity, sports, running our children to ‘lessons’, window shopping, crafts, and ‘hobby’ farms. No command is given against any of these things and we would not be sinning if we did them. But, is something that is being commanded in Scripture NOT being done because we are investing and using up our time in these other areas?

    So, it’s a new week and I will have many choices to make over the next few days. Will I seek FIRST … HIS…. KINGDOM and righteousness or will I fill my days with activities that will not count for eternity? This not only includes visiting widows and orphans but loving my husband and children, being workers (guarding) my home (Titus 2:3-5) and many, many more commands in the New Testament. God gives me the choice. May I be found faithful when He returns!

    * My dear friend has been writing about something similiar on her family website.

    Check it out at  GIVENGRACE Scroll down to ‘Make an Impact’.

  • For this we have Jesus….

    I was going through some old writings of Elisabeth Elliot’s and ran across this article in one of her old newsletters from November/December 2000. ( )

    I pray that God’s grace will teach my heart to say the same in times of trials…. “For this we have Jesus”! 

    I hope it ministers to you as much as it did to me.


    The May/June issue quoted a letter I had received from a

    reader who was angry at God. In response, Betty Jo

    Mathis, who reads this newsletter, wrote to me of a

    family named Yuill whose children were traveling in a

    school bus last January when a snow plow, loaded with

    sand, was making its way north through the hills

    of Wyoming. Neither driver, each with impeccable

    driving records, could swerve on the black ice to avoid

    the horrific collision that sheared off most of the

    passenger side of the bus. Two of the four Yuill children

    were killed.

    Well-meaning friends suggested that the parents

    receive counseling “for their anger.” Dear, simple,

    trusting folks as the Yuills are, they could not help being

    surprised that anyone should suggest such a thing.

    “Angry? How can we be angry?” they said. “Sure, we

    don’t have our children, but we’re not angry. For this we

    have Jesus.”

    After the committal, the Yuills graciously greeted

    friends and family. They showed no bitterness, no angry

    lashing out at God, just quiet submission to the Father

    whose ways and thoughts are higher than ours. The

    world at large doesn’t understand such submission; they

    don’t know that God not only dwells in the high and

    holy place, but also with him who has a humble spirit;

    it is to them that God gives grace.

    Life must go on. Relatives went home. Brenda Yuill

    set about the bitter-sweet task of putting away her

    children’s things. One older brother went back to

    school, another returned to his ship off the east coast.

    Carl Yuill drove his old red pickup into town as usual

    and helped pick up the town rubbish. Brenda resumed

    her job at the post office.

    On Sundays, you find the Yuills driving forty miles

    on country roads as they have for thirteen years, to

    minister to a loving church family. On the wall of the

    tiny chapel the attendance record will now read 18

    instead of 20. Things will never be the same—but for

    this they have Jesus.


    * This story reminds me of the example in Job, Chapter 1 where Job lost his possessions and children yet did not sin by charging God with any wrong doing but said…

     And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD.”  Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God.             Job 1:21-22