Month: September 2005

  • Just when you think your life couldn’t become busier… ! Our home business has become increasingly busy the past few months. Too much of the work has fallen on my daughter in love so the whole family has come together the past few days to see how we can lift some of the load. Different duties have been divided between different family members that live on the property. My part will include making myself available to my daughter in love for a couple of hours each morning, except once a week when I do my errand day.

    I found myself resisting these changes in my heart even though I knew they were for the best. Many days I barely feel that I am  able to keep on top of things  in my own home let alone taking away 2 hours from that work. But, again, the Lord has reminded me through His Word that it’s “not about me”. My attitude is to be one of servanthood …  the focus should be on the interests of others and not just my own. We have this example set before us in the life of our Savior. He layed down His life and took on the form of a servant. He was always ready to do the Lord’s will. Phil 2:4-7

    Wives and mothers have daily training in the business of servanthood. An attentive Mother puts the needs of her children before her own 24 hours a day. It never ends. If the child is sick the demands are increased. A good mother knows that she would lay down her life for her child. This is played out daily… moment by moment… little sacrifices… small sacrificial deaths to her own desires and will for the good of her children.. the good of her husband and the household. These small deaths are not pleasant but as she dies to herself, the life of Christ comes forth and ministers the fruit of His Spirit in that situation…. love, joy, peace, patience,kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control!

    What fruit do you believe would come forth from a mother who insists on her own rights, her own way? Anger, loud clamoring, slammed doors, screaming and yelling or just the pain her neglected child feels as she chooses what is best for herself instead of another.  How would you see that as effecting her family? The woman of the household has a choice each day, each moment of the day. Will she exert her ‘rights’ or will she die to herself  and allow His life to come forth from her? Our homes will change as His life is brought forth into each situation.

    So, my home may have times in the coming days where it’s not as tidy as I’d like it. Or I may not get those pj’s finished in time for Christmas for the grandchildren. Yet, the fact that God has given me grace to bow  my will to His providence will mean much more in the long scope of things.

    I really hope for the day when not even one bit of resistance will rear it’s ugly head when I’m asked to serve. This will only come by God’s grace and by the daily dying to self in the little things.

    Watching for Him!

  • I’ve been watching for ways to soak in God’s Word during those small, unprofitable moments in my day. I’ve been sewing on the grandchildren’s pj’s for Christmas so I pulled out an old tape series on biblical womanhood. What a blessing! I was so ‘full’ by the time I finished sewing that I nearly burst! I placed a couple of these tapes in my purse so that I’d remember to take them to the car. The next time I had to run to town I popped one of the tapes in and was able to use the minutes traveling to fill my mind with God’s Word. This has been a practice that I have clung to for years but lately I had let the habit drop. The older I get the harder it becomes to concentrate and multi-task so I’ve found myself listening to more Christian music than teaching series. I love Christian music … especially when I am cleaning house or doing my dishes. But, I’m realizing that I’ve created a lack in my life by not filling more of my day with God’s Word.

    The Scripture memorization I began this week was another great blessing! Major blessing! I had hoped to memorize three verses each day out of Philippians but in reality I was only able to memorize the first three. Next week I’ll copy and paste more verses and print them so that I do not have to depend on writing them on 5 different cards each day. I plan on posting them in convenient places where my eyes will naturally fall … just as I did the other ones.

    I also keep a book in my car for office visits and other appointments where I know that I will be spending 10-20 minutes of unproductive time. I don’t know how many books I’ve been able to finish through the years by doing this. I try to keep a book next to my night stand to grab a few minutes before I fall asleep and when I wake in the morning.

    (There are other ‘rooms’ you can leave small books that a lady shouldn’t mention in public.)

    Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you to think of all the ways you can work your way through a godly book by just  using those small moments that are wasted each week. My life has been forever changed by wonderful missionary biographies and old godly reprints that I was able to read in those small redeemable moments.


  •  1Proverbs 31:12 She does him good and not evil  all the days of her life.  

    Our husband’s, at one time, initiated us. They set their affections and their hearts on us. They could have chosen any woman to be their wife but they put their trust in us. They put their confidence in us.  Now, the Lord is saying through His Word that our response to that confidence is that we should do them good and not evil all the days of our lives. We’re to bring them good, not harm. That is to be our desire towards our husband.

    When a husband leaves for work at the beginning of the day he leaves the affairs of his household in the hands of his wife. If he has a good, godly wife, he knows that he can trust her to manage his affairs wisely. He knows that the heart of his wife is to do him good and not bring him harm. He doesn’t have to be concerned that she will waste her time watching tv or that she will be out spending unnecessary money. His attention can be fully on his duties at work because he has full confidence in his wife’s ability to take care of his home, finances and children in a way that will do him good and not harm. His heart safely trusts in her decisions. He can leave the managing of the home in her hands.

    This takes hard work on the wife’s part and a  good track record. Notice that it says ALL the days of her life. It wouldn’t take long for a husband to lose his confidence in his wife’s management of the home and his affairs.

    The remaining verses in Proverbs speak of the many areas that a wife manages on her husband’s behalf. These are all areas that she is to do good towards him. I was thinking of two specific areas of ‘doing good’ to our husbands this morning.

    * Shopping: does she manage his wages wisely? A husband gives up hours of his life each day to provide for his family by the sweat of his brow. Will his wife use the money wisely in the managing of the home or will he feel as if she were a child that he could not trust to manage something as important as a household budget? This is an area that I am striving to do better in. I shared yesterday that I am trying to avoid waste in my grocery purchases. I’ve been watching different areas of my budget to see where I am over spending and praying for wisdom in how to tighten the reins.

    * Worker: Will she do her husband good by not being lazy? Will she rise early or sleep in while he must get himself off to work? Will she use her time wisely while he is gone from the home and not watching over her? Or will she waste precious hours on the phone talking with friends or surfing the internet or shopping for unnecessary items?

    After studying this verse I am so encouraged to find more ways to do GOOD to my husband today! How blessed it is to have a husband trust in us. Give us grace, dear Lord, to fulfill your Word towards our husbands.


    A Woman that Fears the Lord 

  • I made a decision this morning that effected my whole day and not in a blessed way! I did not spend alone time with the Lord! My husband and I read the Word together before he left for work, and prayed for the family and their safety along with our employees,  but I let the cares of this world steal the most precious time of the day from me once he left for work. I paid for it the rest of the day! If I had spent time in His presence I would have been able to handle the days stress but as it was I struggled under the pressure of the demands. By the Lord’s grace I hope to do better tomorrow.


    One of my goals this week has been to stay out of the stores. I’ve been over buying veggies and some have gone to waste. I’ve had a hard time figuring out just how much food to buy for my husband and I since the children have grown. I always over buy in the veggie and fruit department. So, I’m trying to stretch what is already in my fridge before I buy more. I was very pleased with our dinner tonight because I was able to take a red onion, 1 green and red pepper and make a tasty meal of steak kabobs. I did not have a marinde so I checked my recipes and found a recipe for Italian marinade. It looked very similar to Italian dressing so I just poured some dressing over the kabobs before I barbecued them. I made extra so we can have them for one more meal. My hubbins really enjoyed them. I also barbecued a package of chicken for his lunches. I froze them in individual packages.

    My family has decided to find a way to celebrate Christmas this year without spending a lot of money. So, the adults are going to have a ‘white elephant’ sale. I’m still not sure how we will decide to do this but the one rule is that we can’t buy a gift. It has to be something we have in our home.. or something we make or bake. We’ll wrap them but not label them to anyone in particular. My daughter has played this gift at her in-laws and said that they always have so much fun. I’m already getting excited about the possibilities. My husband makes a great homemade barbecue sauce so if he can’t come up with an idea I will suggest that he ‘can’ the sauce in a nice jar and label it. We’ll buy gifts for the children as usual. I’ll let you know more about how we are going to this when we figure out the details.

    I reviewd my Scriptures in Philippians that I am memorizing but didn’t add the next 3. I’ll work on them tomorrow. I pretty much have the first 3 memorized.

    Love to all!

  • Busy, busy couple of days!! But, today I get to take the day off. I’m heading out the door this morning to visit an old friend. It seems we only get together once a year but our time together is always so sweet in the Lord.  I always come away from our visits encouraged to draw closer to the Lord and walk in holiness (by God’s grace). Friends like that are hard to come by. The Lord has blessed me with a small group of dear Sisters who have helped to build me up in the faith. I am so grateful.  

    Just a quick note before I head out to walk and then leave for the day.

    Yesterday was my ‘ministry’ day. I schedule it on my calender as such. It has worked great to have one day set aside to do ‘good works’. I’ve done this off and on since my children were in the home. I was also able to get some sewing done on Christmas pj’s for the grands and some cooking in the morning. My ministry time ended up being in the afternoon and evening.

    My daughter in love has been very busy the past couple of days with our business, so ‘Grammy’s’ front door has been doing quite a bit of revolving. My son and his family live on our property and help in the running of our business. My 3 yo grand daughter has been over quite a bit the past couple of days. Yesterday she helped Grammy do some baking and cooking and fold towels. My grand daughter loves to work. She thinks it’s fun. This is due to her Mama allowing her to do ‘big ladies work’. And OH, does this 3 yo love her baby dolls!!!! LOL!! We fixed her babies hair and washed her face. She’d ask me, ‘Gwammy, do you want to hold my baby?’ I said, ‘Of course, dear!’ and I’d take her just as if she were a real baby and rock her until her eyes fell asleep. I could see my grand daughter out of the corner of my eye watching me ever so closely. I’d talk sweet to the baby doll and pat her. Training…. every bit of it. She is watching and observing all her ‘Gwammy’ does from baking to folding clothes to taking care of her baby doll. She is being trained in how to become a keeper at home. I didn’t start training my children to work until they were closer to 5 and I wish I would have started much sooner.

    I didn’t have time to study the passages in Proverbs this a.m. because I’m going to be leaving early but I did start working on my Scripture memorization. I’m hoping, by God’s grace, to memorize the book of Philippians this next month. I’m putting to memory today the first 3 verses. I wrote the verses on index cards and placed them at my sink, 2 bathrooms on the mirror, next to my bed and in my purse. I’ll be pulling out the card throughout the day and practicing. I was listening to a tape this week that reminded me of the importance of memorizing complete chapters of the Bible. I’ll review what I’ve learned each day and add 3 more verses. I’m excited about this. There are so many blessings in putting Scripture to memory. In the past I have memorized by topics except years ago when my children and I worked on memorizing the first chapter of James. My younger son (24 yo) still remembers most of it.

    Off and running…. have an awesome day. Please pray for my safe return!



    Phil. 1:1-3: Paul and Timothy, bond-servants of Christ Jesus, to all the saints in Philippi including the overseers and the deacons: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God in all my remembrance of you.

  • I’ve been going over the verses in Proverbs 31 again. I’m thinking that for the time being I would like to study one verse at a time… really soaking it in and putting it to memory. Memorizing Scripture is an awesome practice to fill your mind while you are cleaning house.

    I was looking at v. 11… 

    The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.

    The word ‘trusts’ in Hebrew means “the act of confiding; the object of confidence; the state of confidence or security.”

    I’m assuming that the trust spoken of here, since the remainder of the sentence has to do with ‘gain’ in a material sense, refers to a trust in the way she handles their household finances perhaps? I was thinking about how easy it is to break the trust of our husbands confidence if we do not keep a tight rein on the economy of our households. Not every wife is given the responsibility to handle the family’s entire finances, but every wife is given some sort of responsibility in how she manages her food budget, electricity, clothes budget, gift budget,etc. Do our husband’s trust us with the money they give us? Do they feel that they ‘gain’ because of it? Or do they constantly feel as if they have to monitor our spending as they would an irresponsible child?

    I’ve heard the rippling echoes of many households lately who are dealing with tight budgets. Mine is no exception. I’ve done my share of repenting for those times of ‘feasting’ when it seemed our cash flow was unlimited. I’m wondering now if the lessening of funds  is the Lord’s hand of discipline, in a Fatherly tone, to make our household more mindful of what we are spending the Lord’s money upon.

    God’s mercy is new every morning so, again, I look to Him for the wisdom to know how to handle our household budget to bring Him more glory. I’ve tightened up our food budget and have aimed at cutting it in half… some weeks I meet the goal and other weeks I fall short. I’m working on my Christmas gifts this month in order to be ahead of the game and save money in that area. I’ve honed in my skills in hanging out my laundry as to not have to use the dryer hardly at all except to ‘fluff’ our clothing. I’m even thinking about putting in some vegetables for the winter months to help with the food bill. I love home grown red onions and they will last quite a while into the summer months when stored correctly.

    I was speaking to my Aunt last night and she told me that she lives on $1700.00 a month. I have another older friend who lives on $700.00 a month. Can you imagine? But, both of their lives are very simple… very plain… very ‘appealing’ to my senses. No computers… no fancy tv’s… homes that are furnished with necessities, not luxuries. They ‘work’ at living on this small income but their lives are very full. The thought of living BELOW one’s means is very challenging and appealing to me. Putting it into practice is another story! Dying to the flesh and it’s lusts is never as easy as it sounds!


  • Making plans!

    I worked on a new housekeeping schedule over the weekend. This was my ‘survival tool’ when I homeschooled my children and ran a business from our home. But, when I sold the business after the children graduated, I decided that I no longer needed a schedule. I assumed my days would be less stressful and I could make my plans as I go. Ha! Never assume!

    Prov 21:55 – The plans of the diligent {lead} surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty {comes} surely to poverty.

    A few things have prompted a return to scheduling my days.


    The first is that the nearer I approach the 50 mark the less of a memory I seem to have! Secondly, the work I am expected to accomplish each day has recently increased and I’m finding that I am unable to accomplish all that I desire without a mindful schedule. Thirdly, I am trying to stretch my husband’s income which is adding more duties to an already full day. For instance, I’d like to begin washing our car instead of paying for it to be done. Since this has not been one of my normal duties I tend to forget about it until it’s too late and end up paying for it to be done instead.

    So, I made a list this weekend and blocked out the ‘givens’ in my week.


    House Blessing (see FLYLADY)
    - Deep clean 30 minutes (I’ve divided my home into
    weekly sections as Flylady suggests).
    - Laundry
    - Ironing

    Ministry Day
    - This day is set aside to do ‘good works’. You can
    also do this even when you have children home. When my
    children were home we set aside one day a week to visit
    shut-ins, etc. Very important training for children.

    - Errand Day, grocery shopping, bank

    - Office work
    - Deep Clean 30 minutes


     - Outside work, yard work
    - Wash car
    Afternoons: Sewing

     - Baking, extra cooking for the week

    - Church, rest for the Lord’s Day, correspondence, time with hubbin’s

    Of course, I have not written down every jot and tittle of what I will do each day. My devotional time and study time with the Lord is not listed in this schedule, nor my time with my grown children or grandchildren, birthday parties, etc. Mostly, this is my housekeeping schedule with a few extras recorded.

    My greatest challenge will be to remember that THE LORD DIRECTS my steps! I can make all the plans I like but I’m constantly reminding myself to hold these plans lightly as I keep my eyes on the Lord to direct my day.

    Prov 16:99 – The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.
    Prov 19:21 – Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.


  • A thankful heart in homemaking….

    I am so THANKFUL for the privilege of serving the Lord and my family in my home. I am so THANKFUL that for TODAY (I do not know what tomorrow will bring) I do not have to leave my home to work.

    We are told in Scripture to give thanks in all circumstances. 1 Thess. 5:16-18. This would include our approach to homemaking, too. Our attitude towards our homekeeping should be one of THANKFULNESS and not complaining because we are really keeping home for Christ first, then our families. His Word teaches that Christ does not dwell in temples made by hands but in our hearts if we are believers. So, as our families gather together in our homes… there the Lord is. Each duty can be offered up as a sacrifice of devotion to our Lord. Our service does not go unnoticed. Serve as the Lord did… He humbled himself and took on the form of a servant. Phil. 2



    * I made time this week to do some extra organizing. I had a few drawers and closets that have gotten out of order. One drawer in my bathroom, where I keep my grand daughter’s hair clippies was a mess. I had a few extra organizational plastic boxes but I still needed something to hold her rubber bands. My mother has always saved small boxes to use in her drawers to organize. Money is tighter than usual so I’m trying to ‘make do, use it up or do without’. I had a sturdy perfume box, took the lid off, and used it for my grand daughter’s rubber bands. Worked perfect and didn’t cost me a cent.

    * The wind seems to blow the water from our sprinklers on my front windows. We live in the country so our well water is very hard and it leaves horrible spots. I heard some ladies at our last Titus 2 meeting say that they used Rain-X to coat the window and prevent the water from sticking to the window. So, I tried it this week. I used Lime-away to remove the water spots (my 3 yo grand daughter helped, too!) , cleaned the window with Windex and then rubbed on the Rain-X. I think it’s working. I checked yesterday morning after the sprinklers had stopped and there were no spots. Rain-X is found in auto stores (like Napa) and is used during the rainy season on windshields to give clearer vision. I’m wondering if it would work on glass shower doors? No more squeegy! I think I paid $6.99. I’m going to check Walmart and see if they carry it. I think it would be cheaper.

    * I’ve always wanted to try one of those plastic ‘thingys’ that you put on the bottom of your toothpaste to roll it up. The other day as I was thinking about that I wondered what I had on hand that I could use instead. I remembered I had some very large sturdy bobby pins. So, I put one on the end of the toothpaste and began rolling it up. I used another one to keep it in place. It worked great and didn’t cost me a penny.

    Remember God asked Moses… what do you have in your hand?

    Enjoy your home today!


    A Woman that Fears the Lord




  • A Contented Heart

    I’ve been watching the tragedy of New Orleans on the news and grieving for all the loss. I watched as thousands, perhaps millions, of refugees waited 4 days to get relief. The pain was too much to endure at times and I had to take breaks from watching. My mind would race to all the ‘what if’s’ … what if a disaster separated me from my family?….what if I saw one of those I loved swept off in a flood of water and I was not able to save them? The thought is too painful to even meditate upon. I thanked God that for TODAY I do not have to endure such loss. I’ve had to make a choice to obey Scripture and not worry about tomorrow. Matt. 6


    What was even more painful to watch were the different responses coming forth from people’s mouth. Some were praising God that He had protected them and looking to Him for their safety, while other’s cursed the government for not moving fast enough to save them. All were under the same heavy trial but out of the abundance of the heart, each mouth was speaking what they believed in the frame of their soul. Trials and afflictions most definitely will expose what is in our hearts.  Think about the Israelites and how each one responded to their circumstances. I wondered what my response would be. No one knows for sure until that time comes. Peter predicted he would respond in one way to future trials but, just as the Lord knew, he denied Christ under pressure. I pray that God will prepare me today for what lies ahead tomorrow. I pray that I will be able to bring glory to Him by displaying a  quiet and contented heart under trial and that my words would give people hope in His grace. We are so dependent on Him for His grace.


    As I pondered that question I reminded myself that TODAY is my training ground for tomorrow. Scripture teaches that each day is full of it’s own trouble. Matt. 6 How I am responding to the small trials and afflictions in my life TODAY will most likely be a mirror of how I would respond to the harder trials tomorrow.  I can begin today by not murmuring or complaining about the inconveniences or the seeming ‘lack’ in my life or the small interruptions that crowd my day. I can ‘practice’ living a life of contentment TODAY!


    Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Phil. 4:11


